Cupid's Retrospective Template Retrospective

What is this activity?

This activity was conceived to generate positive discussions and warm the heart of your team members. Cupid retrospective helps you reflect on your last work cycle by emphasizing the positive elements first. Then, this activity leaves room for team members' wishes, which will undoubtedly make improvement ideas emerge.

Template created by: Neatro - Template has been used 0 times

Cupid's Retrospective Template Template

Self-love Tell us how you made a difference. e.g.

Tell us how you made a difference. e.g. Tell us how you made a difference. e.g. Tell us how you made a difference. e.g.

Good stuff!

What did you like about the last

My wishes for tomorrow is the best day

What are your wishes for the team? My wishes for tomorrow is the best day

A team to die for

Wait, no one's gonna die! Jus

How to conduct this activity

You can use this template to vary the nature of your recurring retrospectives (e.g., Sprint retrospective). Also, this retrospective idea works very well with a broader audience. Consequently, you could use Cupid as a company retrospective to take stock of the last quarter.

Cupid's Retrospective Template Examples

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